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The Maharashtra State Board Committee textbooks are designed in such a way that the student understands the content, objectives each chapter. These books are prepared by expert’s teacher who have in-depth knowledge of each topic. Maharashtra state board books are prepared by the international standards that enables all round development of students.

While preparing for the class Twelfth  Biology exam entrance exam and neet like students should practice the questions given at the end of each chapter so that it easy for them to tackle difficult questions in both school exams and final ,entrance exam board exam. Biology textbook of class 12th Maharashtra Board is divided into 2 sections namely Botany and Zoology. The 1st part Botany includes chapters such as Genetics Basis of Inheritance, Gene, Biotechnology and its Application, Biology and Human Welfare, Plant Physiology, Reproduction in Organisms and Ecology and human being. Part 2 deals with Zoology have chapters like Origin and the evolution of life, Chromosomal basis of Inheritance, Genetic Engineering and Genomics, Human Health and Diseases etc.


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