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Political science


Political Science provides you with a broad understanding of the power structures and the system of government. There are various dimensions to this system. The 11th Standard textbook on Political Science introduced you to the various aspects of Political Science. This included the various concepts that are the core of Political Science, the various governmental systems, the system of administration and international relations now, in the 12th standard we move ahead from what you have learned in the last year the 12th standard textbook looks at the contemporary world war since 1991. This includes the various events that have taken place in the world since 1991 and introduces you to the various conceptual debates that have taken place in the context of globalization. Issues like environment, poverty, sustainable development and gender are some of the humanitarian issues that we need to address. These, along with the challenges to national integration are dealt with, both as issues of concern and their relevance in the Indian context. How does the government address all these issues? This is looked at in the chapter on Good Governance. Finally, this book provides you with a survey of India’s foreign policy. And much more information…….




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